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"We Jointly Designed Leadership Programs That Create Smart, Confident Leaders."

December 2, 2021

"Education is critical to our organization. Our partnership with Bellevue University supports that culture."

Allison Malone

Allison Malone, Vice President, Culture Development and Marketing at Cobalt Credit Union, is an expert in using education and training to cultivate a culture of growth and development. Cobalt Credit Union partners with Bellevue University around three initiatives:

  1. To offer employees education opportunities that are relevant, affordable and accessible;
  2. A custom-designed leadership program for current leaders;
  3. A custom-designed leadership program for aspiring leaders.

Here's what Allison has to say about the partnership:

Offering Employees Education Opportunities That Are Relevant, Affordable, and Accessible

"Partnering with Bellevue University was an easy decision because of their large variety of program offerings, convenient and effective online courses, and the ability to earn college credit for work experience. Bellevue University also offered our employees additional grant money as an incentive to continue their education. The ties to the university are strong and we are proud to recommend them as an option to our employees wanting to earn their degrees."

Custom-Designed Leadership Programs

"Because of this strong partnership, we worked with Bellevue University to launch custom-designed leadership programs for both current and aspiring leaders. This was a collaborative effort that allowed us to strategically evaluate and select coursework that we know is essential to being a successful leader in our organization. So far, these programs have experienced great success. The employees who completed them learned material that was applicable to their current work and the roles to which they aspire. One employee was so inspired, and gained so much confidence, that she was compelled to start her bachelor's degree.

"We have begun building a group of credit union leaders who are smart, confident, and ready to continue to lead our organization in the future."

Cobalt Credit Union's Philosophy on Team Development and Culture

"We believe that, in order to grow as an organization, you must first grow people. With this in mind, education and learning are critical to our organization and have been for many years. As an organization, we invest in training and continuing education because we know well-trained employees are the best way to provide high-quality service our members expect and deserve."

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